We educate and empower children and relevant stakeholders to build a rights-based, just, inclusive, participatory, equitable, sustainable, fulfilling, interconnected and mystical earth community.
Our Mission
What We Do

Embodying Rights
We work with child-right holders of vulnerable communities in the neighbourhood of our PRATYeK offices.

Embedding Justice
We work young students associated with public and private schools.

Educating for Liberation
We work with young citizens associated with other Child Rights Organizations.

Enabling Participation
We work with young citizens across sectors, regions and border primarily through Children’s parliaments

Engaging with Power
We promote child and earth rights through Research and Child-led Advocacy.

Encouraging Internationality
We work as global citizens to address globalized structural injustices.

Embracing the Earth
We work for eco-justice from a child rights and earth spirituality perspective.

Empowering Collaboration
We attempt to leverage synergies, partnerships with all stakeholders.
Theory of Change
By acknowledging C1hild and Earth Rights, we enable C2hild-led Advocacy & C3hild-Participation. We prioritise C4ommunity Engagement programs by addressing local issues of child safe guarding. We believe in building C5ollaborations with our beneficiaries and stakeholders from grassroot to global levels. Developing C6hild Friendly Resources and Platforms and using C7reative Mediums to help young citizens access information related to their rights.

2.5 Million Children Engaged with PRATYeK via activities like creation of children’s manifestos, Social campaigns, Online courses, etc.