Our Programs

Embodying Rights


We have vibrant groups of child-advocates called YASH group (YOUNG ADVOCATES FOR SOCIAL HARMONY) from vulnerable communities of our neighbourhoods, who demonstrate our practices, programs, processes and policies. YASH consists of vibrant group of children from marginalised community who advocate for their rights as well as for the rights of their peers’. These children are imparted with rights based education apart from skill oriented education, computer skills, and English training. The children are provided with nutritious mid-day meal, and regular medical check-up camps are also organized. The young advocates are organised into Children’s Parliaments through which they take up social issues in their community and work on a solution with the higher authorities.


We facilitate the integration of justice and advocacy into the curriculum and systems of government and private schools, teacher training colleges and boards. We aim to train all stakeholders professionally within schools to recognize and address systemic injustices and to advocate for human, child, earth rights. We also aim to empower all teaching staff and other members of schools understand, imbibe, embed and promote justice, rights and advocacy into their area of work and responsibility.

Education for Liberation


We are known as a front-runner in the promotion of a vibrant network of organizations engaged in child-rights and earth-rights based on child-led advocacy and child-participation. We aim to support and engage with child and earth rights related efforts of other organizations in India which are in sync with our vision, mission, values and strategic goals. We aim to organize forums for the voices of young citizens associated with other child rights organizations to engage with state, national, international and UN mechanisms for the protection of child and earth rights.


We provide child-citizens with child friendly resources, media and platforms to influence power-centres for child rights, earth-rights, child participation and child-led advocacy. We aim to engage child citizens meaningfully in all democratic forums and conversations related to matters and issues affecting children and the earth and facilitate the operation of vibrant children’s parliaments at parliamentary constituency, state and national levels. We also aim to coordinate the federation of children’s parliaments at varied levels of governance from the smallest unit of 30 neighbourhood families through village/city/block/district/areas/state/national to the global levels.

Enabling Participation
Enagging with Power


We engage with duty-bearers at grass-roots, state, national and international levels through child participation and networking for good governance, accountability and the realization of child and earth rights. To achieve this goal, we shall provide young people and their facilitators with resources, instruments, platforms, workshops and tools towards the creation, review and implementation of pro-child and pro-earth policies. Facilitate the interaction of young people and their facilitators with policy makers, influencers and all stakeholders. Engage the expertise of professionals like researchers, analysts, lawyers and rights defenders towards realizing rights of children and the earth.


To achieve this goal, we shall, organize online and on-ground platforms and trainings for young people to access international instruments, platforms and processes for justice and rights particularly those provided by the UN. Organize on-ground and online immersions and programs to develop the understanding of and skills for justice and advocacy global and Indian students. Organize international events and campaigns on child and earth rights. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for global citizens to intern and volunteer with us. Connect with global opportunities, occasions, days, events, campaigns and resources that enhance the agency of children as advocates for child and earth rights.

Encouraging Internationality
Embracing the Earth


We engage young people and varied stakeholders in an earth spirituality, a simple lifestyle and in advocacy for Sustainability, Earth Rights, the Earth Charter and the Universe Story. To achieve this goal, we shall Train and resource child rights holders and their care givers in the philosophy, science, skills and spirituality of earth-rights. Conduct online courses and organize online and on-ground platforms for discussions, interning and volunteering. Create online and on ground platforms to give child citizens access to movements, instruments and platforms to advocate for earth rights in relation to their own rights. Build a strong alliance of child-advocates and Pro Activists for the earth.


We build and support networks, observatories, unions, associations, movements of schools, advocates, celebrities, duty bearers, citizens, influencers and the general public to protect and promote child rights and earth rights with an established emphasis on a child’s right to participate and child-led advocacy. To achieve this goal, we shall Offer online and off line training courses to both adult animators and child citizens, on Child participation, Child Led advocacy, Children’s Parliaments, and Child friendly mediums for Child rights and Earth rights. Foster connections with and promote varied other campaigns, networks and movements that promote Child, Human and Earth rights. Build a strong alliance of experts and organizations that seek to promote child rights and earth rights particularly through child-led advocacy. Connect rights-based networks, organizations and defenders into a movement for the promotion of a child’s right to participate.

Empowering Collabration

Our Campaigns


Walk a mile in my shoes


Upcoming Events

Just Rights Kids Award

We recognize the voices and efforts of children in India.

Child Rights Week

UNCRC shadow report: of, by and for the children of India will be launched.

TedX Countdown

The event will draw in the global community to address the issues of climate change.

Awards and Recognition

In over 6 years, PRATYeK has received many awards in recognition of our work towards enabling better futures for underprivileged children.